Our bags are packed; we're ready to go. KLM/Royal Dutch Airlines allows us two - 50 lb suitcases. David and I have carefully weighed and re-weighed each one. My rolling duffel weighs 50.2 lbs and is full of clothes -- hot and cold weather-- shoes and boots-- which I plan to leave in Iran. My second, smaller suitcase, has 5 lbs of yarn and knitting needles and 45 lbs of books (including one 900 page novel). My fat journal and heavy reference Bible (with all the underlining and great notes) go into my enormous purse so they can't be lost or sent by accident to Bombay or Nairobi. Our passports are laying in a chair by the front door. David has taken our 12 year old cat, Smoky, down the street to our neighbor, Jan, who will keep him for us.
Last Sunday at our beloved "sending church" -- First U Methodist-- we were commissioned by Pastor Ron and our prayer team (who will pray for our time in Iran daily). I looked up some definitions of commissioning for clarity. To "commission" is to appoint someone with a task and to give them authority for that task. The origin of commission is MIddle English/Old French -- "committere" -- to entrust, to put something precious into someone's care and protecton. As David and I knelt for prayer and the laying on of hands, the surge of love, peace and unity would have brought me to my knees had I been standing. In the congregation sat a Muslim friend from Kosovo--"You will be happy," she said firmly. "God brought us safely here and God will care for you there."
Later in the week I went for a routine medical test. The woman doing medical records was warm and pleasant and very fond of David during his nine year tenure as hospital chaplain. She said to me, "Aren't you at least a little bit afraid?" I thought she was referring to the test or the disease it might reveal and looked at her befuddled. When I realized she was referring not to a mammogram but to living in Iran, I responded with a hearty "Oh, no, I'm delighted at the opportunity." Then it was her turn to look at me with confusion. It called to mind a phone conversation I had with a family member who asked no questions about what a Muslim-Christian Exchange might be like for two ministers but did give me a good lecture about sanity.
As we leave for MCC Orientation (which will last for two weeks), I think of all of you who are co-missioning with us... congregations who are becoming our "prayer partners," those with hearts for reconciliation, many working for the Peaceable Commonwealth in myriad ways; those who feel anxious about our going and those who feel perfect peace. All of God's people are entrusted with the precious, living call of the Gospel --- to live life as a journey of trust, embracing the invitation to live anywhere at all as brothers and sisters. "For Christ himself is our peace... he has broken down the dividing wall, the hostility between us.... he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father" (Eph 2:14ff).
Last Sunday at our beloved "sending church" -- First U Methodist-- we were commissioned by Pastor Ron and our prayer team (who will pray for our time in Iran daily). I looked up some definitions of commissioning for clarity. To "commission" is to appoint someone with a task and to give them authority for that task. The origin of commission is MIddle English/Old French -- "committere" -- to entrust, to put something precious into someone's care and protecton. As David and I knelt for prayer and the laying on of hands, the surge of love, peace and unity would have brought me to my knees had I been standing. In the congregation sat a Muslim friend from Kosovo--"You will be happy," she said firmly. "God brought us safely here and God will care for you there."
Later in the week I went for a routine medical test. The woman doing medical records was warm and pleasant and very fond of David during his nine year tenure as hospital chaplain. She said to me, "Aren't you at least a little bit afraid?" I thought she was referring to the test or the disease it might reveal and looked at her befuddled. When I realized she was referring not to a mammogram but to living in Iran, I responded with a hearty "Oh, no, I'm delighted at the opportunity." Then it was her turn to look at me with confusion. It called to mind a phone conversation I had with a family member who asked no questions about what a Muslim-Christian Exchange might be like for two ministers but did give me a good lecture about sanity.
As we leave for MCC Orientation (which will last for two weeks), I think of all of you who are co-missioning with us... congregations who are becoming our "prayer partners," those with hearts for reconciliation, many working for the Peaceable Commonwealth in myriad ways; those who feel anxious about our going and those who feel perfect peace. All of God's people are entrusted with the precious, living call of the Gospel --- to live life as a journey of trust, embracing the invitation to live anywhere at all as brothers and sisters. "For Christ himself is our peace... he has broken down the dividing wall, the hostility between us.... he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father" (Eph 2:14ff).
Dear Friends Linda and David,
You are the sanest people on earth. You believe in the importance of living in and creating community with others, and all the world is your "home."
I wish you a safe journey and a glorious sojourn.
Love, Kim
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